From R. Baker

1. 1. The Thesis of Hard Determinism - very simplified - is:  All our thoughts and actions, like the whole world, are wholly and completely determined by previous causes.

1.2. This theses of determinism is the result of the free and careful perusing of the available data and all the evidence, including the evidence from philosophy, psychology and science, incl. neuroscience.  This Thesis of Determinism is based on this evidence.

1.3. The conclusion that this Thesis of Hard Determinism is correct is, therefore, also determined by previous natural causes.  See 1.1.

1.4. Item 1.3. contradicts the notion in 1.2. that the thesis of determinism is the result of a a free decision based on the  free evaluation of the evidence.

1.5. Therefore, there is in inherent contradiction in this Thesis of Hard Determinism.

1.6. Alternatively, the Thesis of Hard Determinism is predetermined; the philosophers, psychologists and scientists espousing Hard Determinism are determined by this same Hard Determinism to do so.  They cannot help it, they cannot think otherwise, they have no choice.  Therefore, why should we regard it as a rational and logical conclusion and decision freely made?  I don't.     


References and Further Reading:


(1) - accessed 14th January 2018.

(2) Xie, Shengjian, What Is Kant: A Compatibilist Or An Incompatibilist? Kant-Studien 100. Jahrg., S. 53–76.

(3) Smilansky, Saul, Parfit on Free Will, Desert, and the Fairness of Punishment, J Ethics (2016) 20:139–148.